CLV GIS Geo Services

Am I in the city? If not, where am I?

Service Description: You're writing an app and need to determine if what jurisidiction the user is in. The CLV GIS Web APIs can help with that by following a few short steps.

Geocode an address or parcel

Using any geocoding service will convert the address or cross/streets you looking for into Lat/Lng coordinates that the parcel data service will understand. The CLV GIS geocoder service takes the following parameters: And it can return the following fields (the Lat/Lng you need is underlined): You can request the return information as XML (the default if you don't choose one) or JSON: You can access this service at this URL:

Example with single response returned: S Main St, Las Vegas, NV&score=50&format=json&jsonCallback=anyLibrary.anyfunction

Example with multiple reponses returned: Valley View Blvd, Las Vegas, NV&score=50&format=json&jsonCallback=anyLibrary.anyfunction

Example with cross streets returned: Dr and Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV&score=50&format=json&jsonCallback=anyLibrary.anyfunction&crossstreets=Y

Determine what jurisdiction that Lat/Lng is in

The parcel data service takes any Lat/Lng and returns city parcel information that corresponds to that location. The CLV GIS parcel data service takes the following parameters And it can return the following fields (the PLACE you need is underlined): You can request the return information as JSON only at this time:

Example: Find the parcel data for City Hall using lat/lng,-115.148408)&jsonCallback=anylibrary.anyFunction

Putting it all together

  1. Geocode an address, converting it to Lat/Lng
  2. Using the Lat/Lng, query the parcel data service for information on that location
  3. Retrieve the PLACE returned from the parcel data service
  4. You just found out if your in the city or not!