CLV GIS Geo Services

Parcel Data Service

Service Description: This service enables you to query the City of Las Vegas parcel layer. The result of this operation is a query results resource. Each result includes a response object that contains basic information about a parcel and it can be queried by parcel number or lat/long. It provides a json callback, if required. This service outputs XML or JSON.

Query Parameter Fields: Query Return Fields: Return Formats: List of PLACE values that may be returned: Service URL:

Example: Find the parcel data for City Hall using a parcel number

Example: Find the parcel data for City Hall using lat/lng,-115.148408)&format=json&jsonCallback=anylibrary.anyFunction

Example: Find the parcel data for City Hall using owner name'City of Las Vegas'&format=json&jsonCallback=anylibrary.anyFunction